Websites For Community Councils Wales

Community Council Websites

The Welsh Government guidance on the access to information on Community and Town Council websites in Wales doesn’t differ too much from the guidance that is given to Town and Parish Councils in England. Our websites are packed with features to make updating and maintaining your Community Council web pages a breeze! Designed to ensure compliance with section 55 of the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013. In addition, all our websites are compliant with GDPR and WCAG 2.2 (Accessibility Regulations).

You can add all the required details for each Council Member in addition to publishing the required documentation relating to meetings and finance, council members etc. in accordance with the Statutory Guidance re Access to Information on Community And Town Councils.

As an administrator, you simply login to the easy to use dashboard and add your content to the various sections. Having been fully trained and using our tutorial videos, you simply can’t go wrong and if you have any questions, we’re always available to answer them. We look after any software upgrades and we take nightly backups leaving you free to run your Council.

Fully compliant with all the regulations that your council needs to comply with and with no restrictions on the amount of pages or content that you can add. Don’t struggle with a generic website. Choose to have a website that is designed specifically for Community Councils and Town Councils in Wales.

Our websites are designed to allow community councils and town councils to comply with the transparency code, GDPR and the accessibility standards with minimum fuss and cost.

Each website has all the features needed to comply with the code and to keep your community members informed. Each website is fully responsive and so can be viewed on any device including tablets and mobile phones.

In addition we also offer training to those members responsible for updating the website and we even provide domain name registration services including and if required along with fast reliable hosting.

Take a look at the features below to see how we can relieve the burden of compliance.

Community Council Website Features

A facility to enable the easy upload of any document, PDF, Word Doc, Excel File or images can easily be uploaded and sorted into categories.

This allows the upload and easy display of minutes, agendas, financial reports, audits and everything else that you are required to publish in order to comply with the transparency code. In addition, not only can you upload a document, you can also display these in HTML in accordance with Government Digital Service guidance.

Easily add and edit members details and responsibilities. Councillors, members, can be listed along with other details such as the committees that they sit on, their contact details, photograph, register of interests and any other information that you wish to publish.

Create community events with just a few clicks and have them display in order on your website. Connecting with your community couldn’t be easier.

Community notices are just as easy to publish and allow your community to flourish.

In the sad event of the passing of a Senior Royal, certain protocols are in place. We have a feature that allows a temporary black landing page containing the year of birth and death, the official image of the Royal Member and a continue to site button. Our feature is compliant with Operation London Bridge, Operation Forth Bridge and Operation Menai Bridge.

A flexible feature that allows almost anything to be listed such as local walks, places to eat, clubs and associations etc.

Our UK based hosting is secure and fast ensuring that your website is always available. We ensure that your system is always up to date, we take care of any software updates leaving you free to do the more important work in your community.

We offer training to your key members and clerks to enable them to update the website in a timely manner and with ease. We realise that many smaller authorities find complying with the transparency code daunting, with that in mind we also offer ongoing support including a members area with help files and short ‘how to’ videos.

Show your parish to visitors with handy virtual tours and galleries.

If your Council has a Welsh Language Scheme and its practice under the Welsh Language Scheme is to produce material bilingually, then that applies the same to material that is produced electronically. In this instance we have a translator function powered by Google to assist you in achieving this. This can be seen on our demo website.

Our Community Council Wales Websites Are Responsive

This ensures that they can be viewed on any device, computers, tablets and mobile phones.

Websites For Councils
upload minutes to website
add councillor to website
parish council website design
Upload A Document

Couldn’t be more simple, minutes, agendas, audits, accounts and financial statements are all easily published and displayed on the website. You can upload either word documents, spreadsheets, PDFs or images with just a few clicks and the website does the rest.

Add A Member

Adding and editing members or councillors is just as easy. Simply click add new member and then complete the pre-formatted boxes, add an image and you’re done. You can choose to publish contact details, political affiliation, ward and social media links should you wish.

Events, News & Notices

Communicating with your community is as simple as can be. Post events, parish notices and news stories with the push of a button. If you can use a standard word processor program such as MS Word then you’ll find that this is almost identical.